Rising Damp:
Rising damp occurs mostly in older properties without the benefit of a physical damp-proof course. The rising water from the ground causes decorative spoiling, rot of skirtings and other timbers and

hygroscopic salt contamination of the plasterwork; the latter item may in some cases cause the wall/decorations to remain and look damp even though the rising damp may no longer be active
The problem is that condensation and penetrating damp can be misdiagnosed as rising damp. Therefore it is essential that the initial diagnosis is correct thereby preventing unnecessary works being undertaken.
Realcure's solution:
Our primary task is to ensure that the dampness is not due to a source other than rising damp - wrong diagnoses leads to unecessary, often expensive, work!
Where dampness is due to active rising damp we will remove all salt contaminated plaster, inject an appropriate chemical damp-proof course suitable for the structure and replaster using a well designed plaster system in order to provide a dry non-spoiling decorative finish.
All our work in relation to rising dampness carries our comprehensive 20 year guarantee.